Johanna Holloman

Johanna Holloman is a psychologist (MA Psych) from Germany trained in Integrative Gestalt Therapy at the Fritz Perls Institute and worked as a clinical psychotherapist in Hamburg for many years.

She has been a student of the Diamond Approach®, (founded by A.H. Almaas) a spiritual path of self-realization for over 30 years and works a certified teacher of this path of self-inquiry with groups and individuals in Germany and the US.

Johanna brings to her work over three decades of experience as a bodyworker and group-leader at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, and internationally. She has taught various forms of presence-based bodywork and movement (Esalen Massage®, Deep Bodywork® and Yoga).

Together with her husband Perry she developed and taught somatically based Gestalt programs like Integrative Somatic Practice™ and Integrative Gestalt Coaching™.

Using Gestalt, breath practice, conscious movement and presence-based touch, Perry and Johanna offer students an opportunity to discover what is most authentic in themselves and live a life of integrity and meaning.

Perry Holloman

Perry Holloman has been a teacher and practitioner of Esalen Massage®, and Integrative Gestalt Coaching™ for more than 40 years. He developed the Deep Bodywork® approach with his wife, Johanna Holloman while living in Europe in the 1990’s. Perry currently teaches these and other somatically-based approaches to human development globally. He developed and taught the first Esalen Massage Teacher Training as well as the first Integrative Gestalt Practice certification programs offered at Esalen.

Integrating somatic, psychological and spiritual approaches to human actualization is the focus of Perry’s work, his teaching, and his personal life.